Wednesday, November 9, 2011

new painting progress :D

So, here's some progress stuff from some Photoshop paintings I am currently working on, so the idea was to take a pose from a life drawing, in my case, these were pretty much gestures.
I chose the middle top as the pose seemed to have the most story options to it.

I then placed it into a composition/scene:

These are some rough ideas, obviously some I liked a bit more than others.

Here I took the roughs and chose one to work with further:

 I messed around with some colors and outfits a bit.  However, I wasn't happy with the direction these were all going and thought I should branch out a little, but I kept the same general pieces of the composition.

Here are the comps in their current stage, the favorites seem to be the bottom left and bottom right, although I'm partial to top left, we'll see where these go in the next week or so. :D I might do all three! :DDD

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